Gordon Bennett – Balloons!

Today’s Poster is a visually startling one, for certain. And for something some might even have difficulty believing in – balloon racing. Designed by Bühler Fritz for the 1932 ‘Gordon Bennett Wettfliegen’, or Gordon Bennett Cup. As the Wikipedia page says: ‘Referred to as the “Blue Ribbon” of aeronautics, the first race started from Paris,…

See the Stampede!

Period art and design often features items that are regarded askance now. Today’s poster apparently suggests the use of an aircraft to stampede some of Africa’s more famous animals, with lions, elephants and giraffes running at speed from a swooping Fokker F.VII. I’m sure the real story was a lot less hooligan like. Entitled ‘Mittelholzer’s…

Zurich Meet

Today’s Poster. Everybody’s flying the same kind of aircraft? While a simple looking design, note the  different colour mixes on the prop blade roots on each of the nearest three aircraft. Hope it was a good meet! From the excellent 1925 to 1935 blog of images here. Image details: 1937 – J.C. Müller, Zürich 90…


Today’s Poster. This mountain circuit International Flying Meet, was based in Zurich (love the Umlaut in the ‘u’). I can’t find any online references to the event beyond the poster – which is very strange. In 1922 aircraft were not ‘sleek’ or simple to a modern aesthetic at all, but this hasn’t slowed Swiss artist…