Caravelle Cont.

I recently posted a number of Sud Aviation Caravelle images focused on the unusual passenger cabin’s curved triangular windows. But there’s plenty more great artworks of Caravelles, clearly one of the most elegant airliners with a loyal following even today. Coming and going with Air Algerie and Alitalia… And two takes with Finnair. The Stewardess…

Rising Wind

Today a still from Hano Miyazaki’s The Wind Rises film. Loosely based on the biography of the designer of the Mitsubishi ‘Zero’ fighter, it’s an aeronautical design fest, even if very free with real history and some design. Other aspects are bang on, and some, such as the Caproni dream relationship feature often forgotten aircraft…

Big Taliedo Aviation Day

Today’s Poster. Interesting that the aircraft in the ground line-up have a variety of planforms. 8 Luglio, 1934 Grande Giornnata Aviatoria, Taliedo. Major Aviation Day, 8 July, 1934. James Kightly, Vintage Aero Writer. Internet find.

Bomber Blackened Sky

A remarkable print today, thanks to regular correspondent Gregory Alegi. A very evocative, dark (literally and figuratively) image of Caproni Ca.3 trimotor bombers approaching an industrial centre. So dense are they they’ve achieved the cliche of ‘turning the sky black’. Initially, due to the use of the black block I thought it was a woodcut,…

3,000 km Across the Atlantic

Today’s Poster. Commemorating Italo Balbo’s 1930 flight of twelve Savoia-Marchetti S.55 flying boats from Orbetello Airfield, Italy to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil between 17 December 1930 and 15 January 1931. The poster is listed as from 1931 – I.G.A.P. Roma, 98 cm x 140 cm, artist : Umberto Di Lazzaro. This is where the term…

Story of Some Sticks

Something not often seen in detail. This is the Italian Fascist symbol cut from the fuselage of an unnamed Italian Regia Aeronautica aircraft during World War Two and kept as a trophy by an RAAF airman, and previously on display at the RAAF Museum Point Cook. (Excuse the lighting hot spots in the image.) Captured…

Ghost on the Label

Another neat item courtesy Gregory Alegi in Italy, an air freight parcel label. Gregory writes: “Air freight label of ALI [Avio Linee Italiane] Flotte Riunite, hence post 1949, used to ship a model train from Rome to Milan. It was a Christmas gift for a well-to-do twelve year-old, who eventually went on to become a…

Duocolour Bomba

A postcard today, from the wartime Italian era Ministerio Dell ‘Aeronautica. Of interest for two reasons – artistically, a limited colour palette is unusual in postcards and the like, and in aeronautical terms a ‘bombing up’ moment was rarely chosen as an art subject (although there are plenty of photographs, though, again, rarely as a…

The Red-Blue Max

A very strange story today, around the well-known book ‘The Blue Max’ which was made into an even better-known film* of the same name. The book was written by Jack D Hunter, a fantastic name for an action-novel writer, but actually his real name as well. The cover for the first edition of the book…

Fantastic FIAT

Today’s Poster. A number of aircraft makers were also car manufacturers. Here notable Italian company FIAT make it an advertising point. Nice poster thanks to Gregory Alegi. James Kightly, Vintage Aero Writer.