Frights in Finland

Today’s posters from Finland are rather eerie civil defence ones from World War Two. In Suomi, it reads: “Ilmasta uhkaa vaara! Kaikki kansalaiset väestönsuojelutyöhön!” or “Danger Threatens from the sky! Take Air Raid Precautions”. The figure is obviously intended to seem protective, sheltering a blue clad family from the bomber aircraft that looks somewhat like…

Tell on Paratroopers

Today we have an unusual poster in that it is exhorting children specifically to be alert for enemy action. The translation from the Russian has been given either as ‘Children, protect the Motherland! Spy on your enemies and report to your elders!’ or ‘Watch out for enemies, report them to adults.’ Either way, such an…

Calling the Costs

A newspaper advert from September 1944, late in the war, as even then people realise Germany was probably going to be defeated, Italy had changed sides and Japan was very much on the defensive. The artwork isn’t particularly exceptional – pretty average in both senses as a newspaper piece in the era. The Avro Lancaster…